"Autopsy studies have revealed that many signs of atherosclerosis including scarring are now found in the arterial walls of the babies in this country; that by the age of ten, half children have coronary arterial lesions; and that 100 percent of them have mild atherosclerosis by the age 15." How this can be?
Your Diet during your pregnancy is very important for your unborn child... And if you are breastfeeding; - your breast milk can have high fat/hormone content partially reflecting your diet.
Are children neglected... or not?
Sick children are creating a new business for the Health Industry for years to come.
Food Industry created this problem and there is no way out. As Donald Trump is saying: "It is nothing personal - it is business." And for the Food Industry it is an easy business to market junk food to children- and Bioengineered food to the rest for us. In the end... we all are victims.
When I looked under the microscope the blood simple of 13-year-old boy - it was as thick as the car oil! And there are millions just like him, not knowing when the Cholesterol will explode in the form of heart disease.
Oh, and did I mention that high Cholesterol is ignored because there are no visible symptoms?
The bottom line is... all children must be checked for high Cholesterol annually; and the Lab Blood Test is the most accurate.
But first, let's talk about yet another issue I'm a little concerned, Cholesterol Home Test; - Home Test as good as it is, won't show the Risk Factor ratio.
So, if the Risk Factor is high - nutrients to utilize fats in the blood are the best choices for children and for adults as well. Many claim they have it - but if they do, you won't read this now.
It is a Gift to create a natural product superb quality and effective, which is strong for adults, and at the same time safe for children. And with ZERO side effects.
There is really safe and easy way to help your child without the devastating side effects that medications can have. NON-GMO food is the secret... Non-GMO Lecithin
Granules for example...